Diving Operations Manager & Project Supervisor
Petra Borg
Phone: (+45) 352 676 26
Mobil: ( +45) 224 451 09
Mail: info@hullcleaning.dk

Maintance Manager 
Mechanical Technician
Jørgen Bruun
Phone: (+45) 505 202 38
Mail: mms@jh-teknik.dk
Our partners in Denmark
Vintre Møller 35
4060 Kirke Såby
Phone: 209 018 90
CVR: 26872847

Our partners in Norway
Kristianholm 8-10
5035 Bergen
Phone: (+47) 55 36 34 34
Telefax: (+47) 55 36 34 35
e-mail: firmapost@imc-diving.no
We live here...
Webersgade 44
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Phone: (+45) 352 676 26
CVR.: 34 05 65 95

Service Station
Refshalevej 320
1432 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 505 202 38
Technique / Engineering
We produce underwater communication equipment in collaboration with JH-Teknik 
Press the logo for more information.